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Reporting of mixtures or articles containing high priority chemicals - Articles

An overview of the use of certain high priority chemicals or of chemicals with certain priority hazards could be obtained by requesting reporting of chemical mixtures, for example for a product register, and/or articles that contain the selected chemicals.

The number of mixtures can be very high for a selected chemical and the reporting can be very resource-intensive for the government and industry. The collected information could be reduced to a minimum, for example:  trade name; name and CAS number of the (hazardous) chemicals contained in the mixture; the concentration range of the chemicals in the mixture; volume; use; and the identity of the notifier.

The number of articles containing the selected chemical can be much higher than the number of mixtures. Therefore one could consider that industry only reports on very problematic chemicals like POPs. The collected information could be, for example: the types of articles; the use; the concentration range of the selected chemicals in the types of articles and the identity of the registrant.

The compliance of importers with their obligations could be monitored and enforced.

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