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Chemical selection related to resource level

Limited resources Mixtures containing chemicals banned or restricted with risk assessments available from international organisations or with other relevant assessments, e.g. risk profile from the Stockholm Convention and mixtures containing chemicals identified as a national priority. Medium resources

As for limited resources, plus:  

  • Mixtures containing chemicals banned and restricted in other countries based upon published risk assessments if the chemicals are known to be present in the country, for example, from an information request to industry or through an export notification received under the Rotterdam Convention and mixtures containing chemicals proposed for listing under the Stockholm Convention with a risk profile/risk assessment.
  • Articles containing selected industrial POPs listed under the Stockholm Convention allowed to be produced in the country or imported into the country.
High resources

As for medium resources, plus:

  • Articles containing all industrial POPs listed under the Stockholm Convention with specific exemption or acceptable purposes.
  • Articles containing national priority chemicals.