To establish policies so that mining operations are operated safely and that there is appropriate emergency planning and response capability in the event of an accident.
Mining, like many other industries, that use and handle hazardous substances, faces the challenge of doing more to prevent accidents and to ensure that there is adequate emergency planning and response to reduce impacts of any accidents that do occur.
The other elements relating to chemical accident prevention, preparedness and response at fixed installations also apply to mining operations. However, mining presents some additional challenges. For example, mines and mineral processing facilities are often large, multifaceted operations covering a large area, and they have very specific interactions with the environment and local communities. They are often found in remote locations or adjacent to towns and rural communities, near waterways, and in areas of significant heritage or biodiversity. Another risk specific to the industry include the storage of large quantities of tailings for extended periods, which may contain high levels of bio-available metals. Large quantities of hazardous materials stored at sites or transported have the potential for spills to travel long distances downstream or to flow down slopes with dramatic speed. Ground subsidence can also be a problem.
Suggested activities include:
- Provide guidance to mining companies on how to address the type of risks associated with mining operations
- Facilitate the development of appropriate emergency preparedness plans for communities in the vicinity of mines that use or handle hazardous substances
- Help to improve communication with the public potentially affected in the event of an accident
Relevant tools
- UNEP & the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM): APELL for Mining - Guidance for the Mining Industry in RaisingAwareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level (2001)+
- UNEP & the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM): Good Practice in Emergency Preparedness and Response (2005)+