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Data Collection

Reporting starts with the collection of information and data by producers or importers. It can be done regularly, for example, by the end of a year, or upon request. The type of information requested from industry needs to be clearly defined. Information may also be collected through other elements of the scheme. The information/data collected needs to be transferred from industry to the government and checked for completeness against the requested information.

For a limited resource implementation, industry should be required to collect the minimum information available, for example the expected uses, classification and labelling, data on accidents and incidents, emergency and safety plans. The information should be sufficient to allow identification of relevant assessments by other countries or international organisations which can be used in the Hazard assessment and risk characterisation elements.

The steps proposed to implement this sub-element are as follows:

  1. Collection of specific required information and data for selected chemicals by producers and importers, including identification and substantiation of CBI claims.
  2. Information transfer from industry to the government. An electronic template should be used for the information transfer.
  3. Assessment of the completeness of the information received.


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