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Rights of workers (Article 18)

  1. Workers shall have the right to remove themselves from danger resulting from the use of chemicals when they have reasonable justification to believe there is an imminent and serious risk to their safety or health, and shall inform their supervisor immediately.
  2. Workers who remove themselves from danger in accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraph or who exercise any other rights under this Convention shall be protected against undue consequences.
  3. Workers concerned and their representatives shall have the right to: a) information on the identity of chemicals used at work, the hazardous properties of such chemicals, precautionary measures, education and training; b) the information contained in labels and marking; c) chemical safety data sheets; d)any other information required to be kept by this Convention.
  4. Where disclosure of the specific identity of an ingredient of a chemical mixture to a competitor would be liable to cause harm to the employer's business, the employer may, in providing the information required under paragraph 3 above, protect that identity in a manner approved by the competent authority under Article 1, paragraph 2 (b).

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