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ILO: Chemicals Convention (No. 170) and Recommendation (No. 177), 1990


The main ILO instruments dealing with chemicals.

Adopted in 1990 and among the first international instruments dealing with all major chemical hazards in a comprehensive manner.

  • Targeted and specific instrument.
  • Provides the basis for the sound management of all types of chemicals.
  • Convention No.170 served as the basis for the negotiation of the Rotterdam Convention, which was adopted in 1998.
  • Convention No.170 has also been a basis for the development of GHS.
  • Complimented by the ILO code of practice: Safety in the use of chemicals at work.

Key elements:

  • Covers all hazardous chemicals and takes into account new substances.
  • Focus on chemical risks in the workplace, but also protects the public and the environment.
  • Prescribes the classification and labelling of all chemicals by hazards with appropriate information and symbols.
  • Provision of safety data sheets for workers on all hazardous chemicals used in their workplace.
  • Obliges ratifying states to implement a general national policy on the prevention of occupational accidents and work-related diseases caused by chemicals. 
  • Defines detailed responsibilities for employers regarding assessment of hazards and measures to limit exposure.
  • Approach of prioritizing prevention over protection.

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English Convention

English Recommendation

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