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WHO - Sanitation safety planning: Manual for safe use and disposal of wastewater, greywater and excreta [2015]


Sanitation Safety Planning (SSP) is a step-by-step risk based approach to assist in the implementation of the 2006 WHO Guidelines for Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater in Agriculture and Aquaculture. The manual assists users to (i) identify and manage health risk along the sanitation chain; (ii) guide investment based on actual risks, to promote health benefits and minimize adverse health impacts; and (iii) provide assurance to authorities and the public on the safety of sanitation-related products and services.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

For use by health authorities and regulators, local authorities, wastewater utility managers, sanitation enterprises and farmers, community based organizations, farmers associations and NGOs, the information provided is useful to support safe use and disposal of wastewater, greywater and excreta.

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