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WHO - Guidelines for procuring public health pesticides [2012]


The guidelines provide guidance on the procurement of appropriate, good-quality pesticides for use in the area of public health. As procurement procedures vary by country and international procurement entity, these guidelines are also intended to harmonize practices. They promote fairness, transparency, integrity, accountability and quality assurance in procurement and aim to help governments prepare their own standard operating procedures. The guidelines include (i) planning and selection of an appropriate product; (ii) procurement; (iii) legal and technical requirements; (iv) quality control; and (v) administrative requirements.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

Information provided forms an authoritative basis for national procedures and guidelines for the procurement of pesticides for public health use. Pesticide products of appropriate quality, which are suitably packaged and labelled, and an efficient procurement system are crucial to the control of vector-borne diseases.

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Guidelines - English external link

Guidelines - French external link

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