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Use of information from Poison centres by the government

A poison centre could contribute to the Risk Management for health. Information from poison centres can be used for the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the System for prevention of poisonings and to review and amend the management system to improve its effectiveness. It can be used to decide on the need for or improvement of primary prevention by strengthening the monitoring and sanctions elements of the management system or to introduce or amend a liability system for compensating poisoned persons or to amend or to develop and implement systems for rehabilitation of poisoned persons. If a causal relationship between an activity of a consumer or worker with a chemical and the damages through poisoning can be demonstrated this can be the basis for Enforcement through Sanctions and/or to Liability for compensating the damage. If a causal relationship between an activity of a company with a chemical and the damages to an area or to an ecosystem through environmental pollution can be demonstrated this can be the basis for Enforcement through Sanctions and/or to Liability for a rehabilitation of the contaminated area or for restoring the ecosystem. Information/Data from Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the System could be communicated to the framework element Information/Data collection for storage and dissemination.