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Stockholm Convention/UNEP - Toolkit for sound management of DDT for disease vector control [2020]


The toolkit provides a single comprehensive source of information and resources regarding the management of DDT and other vector control insecticides within the context of chemicals and waste conventions. It brings together information from authoritative guidance documents, primarily those produced by WHO and FAO. Information is provided on (i) production; (ii) formulation; (iii) import and export; (iv) registration; (v) procurement; (vi) quality control; (vii) transport and distribution; (viii) storage and stock control; (ix) application in vector control; and (x) safe disposal.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

Information provided is useful to support environmental health decision making regarding DDT under the terms of the Stockholm Convention. The toolkit aims to assist countries to critically review the management of DDT and other vector control insecticides at country level, in order to plan, implement and monitor constructive improvements.

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