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Provide chemical Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Safety data sheets (SDS) are part of the hazard communication system for chemicals used in the workplace. These should be provided for workers who are exposed to hazardous chemicals. International Chemical Safety Sheets (ICSCs) are data sheets intended to provide essential safety and health information on chemicals in a clear and concise way. ICSCs provide information in over 10 languages on over 1,700 chemicals.

Information provided in ICSCs:

1. Identity of the chemical
2. Fire and explosion hazards
3. Fire fighting
4. Acute health hazards and prevention
5. Preventive measures
6. First aid
7. Spillage disposal, storage and packaging
8. Classification and labelling
9. Physical and chemical properties and dangers
10. Short-term and long-term health effects
11. Regulatory information and occupational exposure limits
12. Environmental data

Below is a list of tools relevant for implementing this topic :

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