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Notification/Registration of Chemicals

Notification/registration of chemicals means information and data collection from industry which may include hazard data generation, hazard and risk assessment and risk management measures like the use of personal protective equipment. The type of information requested from industry needs to be clearly defined and might include information on notifier/registrant, production/import, foreseen uses, estimated and measured exposures for the stages of the life cycle, hazard information, risk assessments for the foreseen uses, risk management through labelling, and safety data sheets.

Notification/registration of chemicals builds on and could replace the key element Information/data collection through reporting of chemicals in the core framework.

The chemicals to be notified/registered could be defined by a list of chemicals with name and CAS number or by certain conditions like quantity of production or import per year and/or high exposure potential and/or certain priority hazards. Notification/registration of chemicals could cover marketed/imported chemicals or produced/imported chemicals.

The compliance of importers with their obligations could be monitored and enforced.

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