Tools provide information on actions which can be taken to mitigate the health effects of asbestos including the development of programmes to reduce asbestos-related diseases.
Relevant tools
Below is a list of tools relevant for implementing this topic :
- WHO - Toolkit for the elimination of Asbestos-Related Diseases [2013]
- WHO - Chrysotile Asbestos [2014]
- WHO - Chemical releases caused by natural hazard events and disasters [2018]
- ILO/WHO: Outline for the development of national programmes for elimination of asbestos-related diseases (2007/2014)
- ILO - Occupational health: Asbestos [accessed 2022]
- ILO: Asbestos, asbestosis, and cancer - Helsinki Criteria for Diagnosis and Attribution (2014)
- ILO: A practical guide on best practice to prevent or minimise asbestos risks (2006)
- WHO - Asbestos: hazards and safe practice for clear-up after tsunami
- WHO/UNEP - Asbestos: hazards and safe practices for clean up after earthquake [2008]