The stored information should be made available to stakeholders to allow them to fully participate in the management scheme. Government departments should have access to all stored information necessary for their work. Confidential business information should be available only to authorised persons. The public should have access to non-confidential information relevant for health and environmental safety.
With limited resources, the step proposed for implementation of this sub-element is:
- The dissemination and protection (considering CBI aspects) of the stored information through batch files to other government authorities, and of non-CBI information to the public through publications.
Relevant tools
Below is a list of tools relevant for implementing this topic :
- Strengthening National Information Systems and Information Exchange for the Sound Management of Chemicals - Final Report, UNITAR September 1998
- OECD Recommendation on the Exchange of Confidential Data on Chemicals
- Recommendation on the OECD List of Non-Confidential Data on Chemicals
- Case study of Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan
- Case study of the Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS)