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Links between the Industrial Chemicals Management Scheme and the Occupational Safety and Health Management Scheme and the Classification and Labelling System Scheme

There are similarities between some elements of the Industrial Chemicals Management Scheme (ICMS) and those of the Occupational Safety and Health Management Scheme (OSHS) and the Classification and Labelling System Scheme (CLSS). There can be considerable advantages, in terms of the effort and resources required, to consider these elements together. For example, all three schemes use substance information and there may be advantages in collecting/obtaining this information once if this is feasible.

Examples of areas where links between the ICMS and the OSHS and CLSS may exist are given below.

Possible links between the ICMS and the OSHS, organised by each element within the OSHS.

Transport and storage – this element is likely to use substance information, so there could be links to the ICMS information elements.

Classification and labelling scheme – this could make use of information from the ICMS and/or the CLSS.

Safety data sheets – information from ICMS can be used for parts of data sheets. There could also be links to the CLSS.

Exposure – possible link to the exposure element of the ICMS.

Operational control – the assessment of risks could use part of the risk assessment in ICMS. This element also includes relevant management measures, so the risk management element in ICMS could be relevant.

Disposal – this is not covered under the ICMS unless it forms part of risk assessment/management where the whole life cycle is being covered. Information on chemicals may be of use here.

Formulation and repackaging – a possible link to the CLSS scheme.

Procurement – implementing a low impact procurement policy. This could be risk management, but only indirectly; it also includes authorisation in terms of replacements – both of these are tenuous.

Public education – a possibly link to raising public awareness element in the ICMS scheme.


Possible links between the ICMS and the CLSS, organised by each element within the CLSS.

Hazard communication – there is a possible link with the awareness raising element in the ICMS.

Obtaining national support – there is a possible link with the adequate resources element in the ICMS.

C&L communication requirements – there is a possible link with the hazard assessment in ICMS which has industry implementing the GHS. The use of existing classifications at limited resource levels is also in both the CLSS and ICMS schemes.

Compliance and enforcement – CLSS has inspectors and customs. ICMS has customs officers enforcing on import and export, and local inspectors in factories. There are also sanctions in both.

Communication and outreach – this potentially overlaps with the awareness raising element in the ICMS.

Monitoring and evaluation – this is similar between both the CLSS and ICMS schemes for health and both mention poison centres. ICMS also includes environment.