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Instigate workplace control measures for the safe storage of hazardous chemicals

Employers should make sure that hazardous chemicals are stored in accordance with established criteria, under conditions specific to their inherent properties and characteristics to ensure safety. Chemicals known to have carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic health effects should be kept under strict control.

Control measures to provide protection against chemical accidents and adverse events include:

  • Segregation of chemicals
  • Limitations on quantities stored
  • Security to storage areas
  • Safe siting of storage areas
  • Appropriate storage containers
  • Safe loading and unloading of containers
  • Precautions against accidental release, fire, explosion and spillage
  • Temperature, humidity and ventilation requirements
  • Labelling requirements
  • Emergency procedures
  • Requirements relating to possible physical and chemical changes in stored chemicals
  • Surveillance systems

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