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ILO/WHO: Outline for a National Programme for the Elimination of Silicosis (NPES) (2006)


The joint ILO/WHO Global Programme for the Elimination of Silicosis (GPES) is being implemented by the two agencies with a view to eliminating this occupational disease in the world. The GPES encourages countries to establish National Programmes for the Elimination of Silicosis (NPES) to engage government, national employers’ and workers’ organizations, as well as other partners concerned in its active implementation.

This document will assist in the development of a National Programme for the Elimination of Silicosis (NPES). The National Programme description based on this document should take into consideration the specific national and local conditions and the availability of information and other resources. This Outline describes three documents:

  • A policy document for establishing a NPES
  • An Action Plan for implementation of the NPES
  • A National Silicosis Profile—a technical document.

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