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ILO: Safety and health in micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises: A collection of five case studies (2020)


These five case studies - conducted in Cameroon, Colombia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Tunisia – describe the occupational safety and health (OSH) situation in MSMEs and the initiatives adopted in this field.

The purpose of the five case studies is to:

  • Describe the national context in relation to MSMEs (e.g. the national definition, their presence and role in the national economy).
  • Provide an overview of the OSH conditions in MSMEs in the country.
  • Illustrate the national framework relevant for OSH in MSMEs, including the identification of key actors, national policies and strategies, etc.
  • Analyze the initiatives on OSH developed at national, sectoral and local levels targeting MSMEs.
  • Identify lessons learned and opportunities for OSH improvement in MSMEs and scaling-up of good practices.

This publication complements the report “Improving Safety and Health in Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: An overview of initiatives and delivery mechanisms”, which analyses examples of support mechanisms and initiatives that governments and other actors use to promote safety and health in MSMEs.

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