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ILO: Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102)


The Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102), is the flagship of all ILO social security Conventions, as it is the only international instrument, based on basic social security principles, that establishes worldwide-agreed minimum standards for all nine branches of social security. These branches are:

  • medical care;
  • sickness benefit;
  • unemployment benefit;
  • old-age benefit;
  • employment injury benefit;
  • family benefit;
  • maternity benefit;
  • invalidity benefit; and
  • survivors' benefit.

While Convention No. 102 covers all branches, it requires that only three of these branches be ratified by Member states, which allows for the step-by-step extension of social security coverage by ratifying countries.

Links to the webpage of the convention.

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