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ILO: OSH Management System: A tool for continual improvement (2011)


The report discusses the application of an Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) for the effective management of hazards and risks in the workplace. It has been prepared to serve as background to the 2011 World Day for Safety and Health at Work campaign.

During the last decade, the approach of OSHMS has become popular and has been introduced in both industrialized and developing countries. The ways for promoting its application vary from legal requirements to voluntary use. Experience shows that OSHMS is a logical and useful tool for the promotion of continual improvement of OSH performance at the organization’s level. Key elements for its successful application include ensuring management commitment and active participation of workers in the joint implementation. It is expected that more and more countries integrate OSHMS in national OSH programmes as a means to strategically promote the development of sustainable mechanisms for OSH improvements in the organizations.

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