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ILO: Instruments on Chemical Safety – Analysis and synergies with other international frameworks on the sound management of chemicals (2020)


This report analyses all major ILO instruments that address chemical hazards for human health and safety as well as the environment.

It reviews ILO chemicals instruments as regards their content, ratification rate, implementation and highlights. The instruments are then put in the wider context of other international instruments on chemicals such as the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS Conventions) and the Minamata Convention on Mercury as well as current international strategic frameworks which aim at eliminating or at least minimizing chemical hazards on a global scale.

The aim of this report is to highlight the main contributions and strategic advantages of ILO instruments in the current global efforts to combat chemical hazards.

The ILO regulatory framework on chemicals as a whole has an extensive reach and influence, both qualitatively and quantitatively. As a way forward, the ILO should nevertheless continue to promote the ratification of its chemicals related Conventions, to further increase their impact, in particular Conventions Nos. 170 and 174.

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