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ILO: Occupational health: Silicosis


Silicosis is an incurable lung disease caused by inhalation of dust that contains free crystalline silica. Despite all efforts to prevent it, silicosis still afflicts tens of millions of workers in hazardous occupations and kills thousands of people every year, everywhere in the world. With its potential to cause progressive and permanent physical disability, silicosis continues to be one of the most important occupational health illnesses in the world.

The experience of some countries has convincingly demonstrated that it is possible to reduce significantly the incidence of silicosis with well-organized prevention programmes. In the absence of effective specific treatment of silicosis, the only way to protect workers’ health is the control of exposure to silica-containing dusts. The successful prevention of silicosis is clearly the result of a range of preventive measures.

This webpage provides information about silicosis, as well as the ILO/WHO Global Programme for the Elimination of Silicosis (GPES) and National Programmes for the Elimination of Silicosis (NPES). Links are provided for preventative efforts in specific countries, including Brazil, Chile, India and Thailand.

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