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ILO: Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts - A global review (2021)


As the production and use of chemicals in workplaces around the world increases, workers are ever more at risk of hazardous chemical exposures which may be detrimental to their health. Due to scale of the problem, a comprehensive review of the evidence was needed to better understand the risks posed by hazardous chemicals and to identify measures to protect the health and safety of exposed workers. 

This global review was undertaken in order to provide a sound evidence base towards policy efforts. As such, it represents a much needed analysis of recent trends and priorities when it comes to protecting the health of workers from occupational chemical exposures. The top ten chemical groups of concern were identified by the review. Exposure and common health impacts are considered for each, as well as key priority actions at both national and workplace level to better protect exposed workers. 

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