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Sectors with high risk - Textiles, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF)

Numerous workers in the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) sector are exposed to hazardous chemicals on a daily basis. Chemicals include thousands of dyes and solvents, many of which have mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. Commonly used chemicals include:

  • Crease-resistant agents: Used in finishing processes, they may contain formaldehyde, known for its toxicity and regulated in many countries.
  • Flame retardant chemicals: These include organophosphorus and organobromine compounds, which have been associated with adverse health outcomes.
  • Azo dyes: Constitute 60-70 per cent of all dyestuff used in textile production, however are known to release carcinogenic aromatic amines, many of which are banned from clothing textiles in the EU.

Women constitute more than 80 per cent of the workforce in the TCLF industry.


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