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Legal and Institutional Framework

The “Legal and Institutional Framework” element describes a key component within countries in establishing a chemicals management framework. This new functional element addresses issues such as the need to consider participating authorities and legislative design requirements for program decision-making.

Some countries have a single comprehensive legislation for the management of chemicals while others have multiple laws and regulations to govern the use, production and disposal of chemicals. The governance of the sector is determined by the way countries organize themselves legally, financially and institutionally. A review of existing legal and institutional frameworks for chemicals management can help identify gaps or duplication, ensure continuity, and enable an efficient use of resources.

The UNEP Guidance on the Development of Legal and Institutional Infrastructures for Sound Management of Chemicals and Measures for Recovering Costs of National Administration provides a template framework law for managing chemicals. The UNEP Guidance on National Authority for Chemicals Control: Structure and Funding offers suggestions related to staffing size, capacity and expertise.

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