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WHO - Artisanal and small-scale gold mining and health [2016]


The document summarizes the environmental and occupational health hazards and adverse health effects of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM). Issues and considerations for women and children are also discussed. The document provides overview information on (i) the steps and processed involved in ASGM including mercury use and characteristics of the populations engaged in ASGM; (ii) health hazards and health effects related to chemical exposures; and (iii) impact of ASGM on the environment and environmental determinants of health. Details of materials currently available for health-care providers to support awareness raising and training are also given.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

Information provided is useful to support health-care providers working in areas where there are ASGM activities, as well as those regulatory authorities likely to play a role in developing the national or subnational strategies or policies that address the health and well-being of ASGM miners and their communities.

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