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WHO - Guidelines for establishing a Poison Centre [2020]


The guidance document provides decision makers with an overview on the problems of poisoning and the types of programmes and facilities that will be effective in preventing and dealing with them. Information is provided on (i) poison centres and their role in the prevention and management of poisoning; (ii) poisons information centres; (iii) clinical services; (iv) analytical toxicology and other laboratory services; (v) toxicovigilance and poisoning prevention; (vi) the role of poison centres in the public health management of chemical incidents; (vii) toxicological information sources; and (viii) staff training and quality assurance.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

Information provided is useful to support the establishment or strengthening of poison centres. The guidelines also support implementation of the IHR which requires countries to have the capacity for surveillance, detection and response to public health events caused by chemicals.

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