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Relevant tools
Below is a list of tools relevant for implementing this topic :
- OMS, Évaluation des risques sanitaires de la pollution de l’air. Principes généraux , 2016
- OMS, Outdoor air pollution: Assessing the environmental burden of disease at national and local levels (La pollution de l’air extérieur: Estimation de la charge environnementale de morbidité au niveau local et national), 2004
- WHO - Screening tool for assessment of health risks from combined exposure to multiple chemicals in indoor air in public settings for children [2022]
- WHO - Screening questionnaire for selection of sampling sites for assessment of risks from combined exposure to multiple chemicals in indoor air [2021]
- WHO - A screening tool for assessment of health risks from combined exposure to multiple chemicals in indoor air in public settings for children: methodological approach [2021]
- WHO - Methods for sampling and analysis of chemical pollutants in indoor air: supplementary publication to the screening tool for assessment of health risks from combined exposure to multiple chemicals in indoor air [2020]
- OMS, Tools for health impact assessment of air quality: the AirQ+ software (Outils pour l’évalaution des effets sur la santé de la qualité de l’air: le lociciel AirQ+), 2016
- UNITAR, Registres des émissions et des transferts de polluants, consulté en 2020
- WHO - Personal interventions and risk communication on Air Pollution [2020]
- WHO - Clean Household Energy Solutions Toolkit (CHEST) [accessed 2022]
- UNEP - Actions on Air Quality: A Global Summary of Policies and Programmes to Reduce Air Pollution [2021]
- OMS, Interventions to reduce indoor air pollution (Interventions pour réduire la pollution de l’air à l’intérieur des habitations), consulté en 2016