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Follow applicable rules for disposal of hazardous waste and guidance

Rules and guidance set up by authorities should be followed to ensure compliance with hazardous waste regulations. Chemicals should be handled, treated or disposed of in a manner which eliminates or minimises the risk to safety and health and to the environment. Containers which have been emptied, but which may contain residues of hazardous chemicals should be treated as hazardous.

Using guidance from the GHS and ICSC, workers should comply with official criteria concerning disposal and treatment of hazardous waste and should cover, where applicable:

  • Method of identification of waste products
  • Handling of contaminated containers
  • Identification, construction, nature, integrity and protection of waste containers
  • Effects on the working environment
  • Demarcation of disposal areas
  • Provision, maintenance and use of personal protective equipment and clothing
  • Method of disposal or treatment

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