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Evaluation of the effectiveness of the system -Health

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the system for (human) health can be implemented through health monitoring, for example by keeping track of the number of poisonings of the consumer or worker through reporting by industry, hospitals and/or through reporting by poison centres or product safety reporting centres. Similar Monitoring and evaluation is also an element of the Classification and Labelling System Scheme.

Biological monitoring of workers or of certain consumer groups can also be used for evaluation of the effectiveness of the system.

Industry could be required to provide information on biological monitoring of workers by legislation. Data on chemicals with chronic effects could be gathered from information from hospitals, or biological monitoring of certain consumer groups collected through projects. Furthermore, one could target potentially vulnerable groups, such as pregnant women or children, in these projects in order to evaluate the effectivenss of the system.

The framework for the management of industrial chemcials will be complemented by the Public Health module that is being developed by WHO.

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