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ILO: Guidelines on the general principles of labour inspection (2022)


At its 344 Session in March 2022, the Governing Body of the ILO authorized the publication of Guidelines on general principles of labour inspection, adopted by a Meeting of Experts on 16 December 2021, and instructed the Office to take them into account for future work in this area.

The objective of the Guidelines is to provide constituents with detailed technical guidance on key principles contained in Conventions Nos 81 and 129 in the context of contemporary practices and challenges. They consist of six main parts: (1) scope and functions of the labour inspection system; (2) structure and organization; (3) policy, planning and monitoring; (4) labour inspectors’ status and careers; (5) powers and methods of inspection; and (6) enforcement measures. The Guidelines intend to assist Member states in addressing current and emerging trends in labour inspection and promoting modern and effective labour inspection policies and practices.

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