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ILO: Improving Safety and Health in Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: An overview of initiatives and delivery mechanisms (2020)


This report focuses on micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and their specific characteristics that are likely to have an impact on occupational safety and health (OSH) outcomes.

The report identifies and analyses examples of support mechanisms and incentives that governments and other actors use in various contexts to enable outreach to MSMEs and promote safe and healthy working environments. The report also describes a large number of ILO tools and programmes focused on increasing productivity in MSMEs, particularly those with the main objective of improving OSH. 

The report is complemented by a series of five case studies conducted in Cameroon, Colombia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Tunisia, published under the title: Safety and health in micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises: A collection of five case studies.

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Case studies

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