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ILO: The GHS in the world of work - Mapping synergies between ILO Instruments and the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) (2021)


The GHS provides an internationally accepted standard for labelling and classifying chemicals and has been implemented by over 60 countries around the world to date. The ILO, through its normative framework on chemicals, helps reinforce and create synergies with the GHS. While implementation of the GHS indirectly and directly supports implementation of key provisions from several International Labour Standards (ILS), countries which ratify and give practice to ILS on chemicals create enabling conditions to implement the GHS. The continued implementation of the GHS, as well as ILS on chemicals and occupational safety and health in general, in member states around the world are important steps towards achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth.

This report explores critical synergies between the GHS and the ILO’s instruments on chemicals and occupational safety and health, with an aim to further promote GHS implementation and an even greater engagement of the world of work in global efforts towards the safer management of chemicals.

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