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Develop a national OSH profile

A national OSH profile summarizes the existing national situation on occupational safety and health (OSH). It identifies relevant legislation, infrastructure, resources and the current national situation with regard to occupational accidents and diseases, including those related to chemical hazards. The profile can be used as a basis for identifying priorities for action and as a tool for measuring progress over time.

See a map of all the ILO Member States with national OSH profiles here.

Part IV of the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, 2006 (No. 197) includes a detailed list of the elements that should be covered in the national profile. 

Cambiar el nivel de recursos
Ha cambiado los recursos disponibles. El contenido, las herramientas y más páginas de información sugeridas pueden haber cambiado para conformar el esquema de gestión más rentable.