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Report accidents and diseases at work

Preventing occupational accidents and diseases can be achieved by implementing preventive measures based on data and information on occupational accidents and diseases, commuting accidents and dangerous occurrences. While establishing and implementing the system for recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases at the workplace is the employer’s responsibility, workers have important roles and duties, such as reporting occupational accidents, occupational diseases, commuting accidents and dangerous occurrences to their supervisors and supporting the development and implementation of preventive measures.

What should a worker do?

  • Obtain information and training on the reporting system in your workplace from your supervisor, employer, safety and health officer or representative, or workers’ organisation.
  • Identify the person(s) to whom you should report occupational accidents, injuries and diseases, suspected cases of occupational diseases, commuting accidents and dangerous occurrences. This person is often your immediate supervisor.
  • Understand your reporting duties and familiarize yourself with the reporting form and make sure it is always at hand.
  • In the case of an occupational accident, injury or disease, suspected case of occupational disease, commuting accident or dangerous occurrence, comply with the reporting requirement in your workplace.
Below is a list of tools relevant for implementing this topic :

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