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Key government responsibilities

In parallel to strengthening legal requirements, a country’s institutional capacity for chemical management should be established or improved. Typically, laws will identify a primary authority responsible for supervising and managing the legislation, usually a ministry or separate public agency. Some countries may wish to grant authority to several public bodies, to avoid problems with capacity. If responsibilities for different aspects of the legislation are allocated to different public bodies, this should be clearly indicated in the law.

  • Issuing subordinate enactments (regulations, rules, guidelines);
  • Collecting and maintaining information on the chemicals regulated by the law;
  • Restricting and controlling the production, import, uses and other activities involving chemicals;
  • Carrying out and ensuring compliance with the law (e.g. inspections);
  • Calling on other public authorities—including at the regional and local level—for assistance in the implementation and enforcement of the law; and
  • Ensuring international communication and cooperation.


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