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WHO - Human biomonitoring in artisanal and small-scale gold mining: ethical and scientific principles [2021]


The guidance document provides an overview of internationally agreed ethical and scientific principles that should be adhered to as part of any research carried out in an artisanal and small-scale mining (ASGM) context. It is addressed to (i) researchers and practitioners conducting assessments involving human biomonitoring in ASGM contexts; (ii) government agencies, including ministries of health, mining, environment, labour, and others that may have an interest in such data; and (iii) public or private bodies that fund or otherwise sponsor research or assessments in ASGM contexts.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

The document aims to provide support and advice to countries when planning and implementing human biomonitoring surveys for mercury in the context of ASGM at national, regional and international levels.

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