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UNEP - Guidance document: Developing a National Action Plan to Reduce and, Where Feasible, Eliminate Mercury Use in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining [2018]


The document developed by UN Environment Programme is intended to provide guidance to countries in formulating artisanal and small scale gold mining (ASGM) National Action Plans (NAPs) that are compliant with the requirements of the Minamata Convention. The document also provides technical, legal and policy information on issues related to ASGM, which may be useful when preparing and implementing the NAP. The guidance document provides decision makers with overview information on (i) mercury use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining; (ii) ASGM and the Minamata Convention; (iii) steps for developing NAPs; (iv) content of NAPs; and (v) key resources and citations.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

Information provided is useful to support decision-makers likely to play a role in developing the national or subnational strategies or policies that address the health and well-being of ASGM miners and their communities in relation to the Minamata Convention.

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