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WHO - Potable reuse: Guidance for producing safe drinking-water [2017]


The document describes how to apply appropriate management systems to produce safe drinking-water from municipal wastewater and it is designed to be used in conjunction with WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality (GDWQ). Information is provided on specific aspects of potable reuse, including (i) the quality and protection of source wastewaters; (ii) chemical hazard identification and assessment; (iii) monitoring of chemical control measures; (iv) health based targets for chemicals and chemical mixtures; and (v) types of treatment processes. Application of potable reuse is also illustrated through a number of case studies.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

Information provided is intended to support those responsible for direct development and production of drinking-water from potable water supply systems and includes drinking-water suppliers and regulators. The document may also be useful to others with an interest in potable reuse including environmental health and water resource professionals.

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