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Relevant tools
Below is a list of tools relevant for implementing this topic :
- WHO - Exposure to cadmium: A major public health concern [2019]
- UNEP - Final review of scientific information on cadmium [2010]
- ILO/WHO/UNEP - Environmental Health Criteria 134: Cadmium [1992]
- IARC - Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds: Monograph [2012]
- ILO/WHO/UNEP - Cadmium: Poisons Information Monograph 89 [1992]
- IPCS - Cadmium and cadmium containing compounds. International Chemical Safety Cards 0020, 0116, 0117, 0404, 1075, 1318 [2010]
- WHO - Safe management of wastes from health-care activities [2014]