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Compliance monitoring

Compliance monitoring is usually focused on the obligations imposed on industry by the implemented risk management measures. However, it can also apply to other aspects such as compliance related to data collections, enforcement of reporting by industry or for monitoring of substances that are risk managed already. As such, aspects of the Compliance monitoring element can also be relevant to other elements such as Information/data collection, Notification/registration of chemicals, Reporting of mixtures or articles containing high priority chemicals and Authorisation of production/use.

Obligations of industry need to be clearly described in the legislation and any relevant regulations. Compliance monitoring could be carried out by customs for import and export and by local inspectorates for companies. Customs could cooperate with a ministry responsible for import permits for health and environment reasons. Sanctions could be given by the local inspectorate for violations identified by customs and by the local inspectorate.

Compliance monitoring contains two sub elements:

  • Customs Control
  • Local Control

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