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Authorisation of production/use

Authorisation of production/use means that production or all uses of specific priority chemicals are banned and can only be allowed if, for example, safe production or use can be demonstrated.  Authorisation of production and or use for the producer and/or user can be granted by the relevant government authority upon request. The conditions for allowing authorisation need to be clearly defined and will be described in the authorisation decision. The information required to allow the decision for granting the authorisation, for example, that a safe production or use can be demonstrated, needs to be defined. Chemicals selected for authorization could be identified in Notification/registration of chemicals.

The selected chemicals could be published in yearly lists to inform the producers/importers and to distribute the burden for authorities and producers/importers.

The compliance of importers with their obligations could be monitored and enforced.

There is no limited resource implementation of an authorisation scheme.

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