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Case study of the Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS)


This case study provides an overview of how key functional and technical elements described in

the IOMC Toolbox Industrial Chemicals Management Scheme are applied in the context of the Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS) to identify, assess, and—if needed—manage industrial chemicals.

Each program area of the AICISis mapped to one or more elements of the Industrial Chemicals Management Scheme.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

The objective of case studies is to offer real-world examples of technical and functional elements from existing systems in countries.

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Case study of the Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS) 


Shortcuts to the different sections:

Legal and Institutional Framework

Information / Data

National Industrial Chemicals Registers

Hazard Assessment

Exposure Assessment

Risk Characterisation

Risk Management

Awareness Raising

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the system

Compliance and Monitoring

Enforcement of Obligations


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