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ILO: Work Improvements in Small Enterprises programme (WISE+) (2009)


Work Improvement in Small Enterprises (WISE) is a training programme that empowers small and medium enterprises to take practical and low-cost action to improve working conditions. The training emphasizes the link between good working conditions and productivity and the importance of employer-employee cooperation to achieving positive change.

Since its inception in the 1980s, WISE+ has been successfully introduced in over 20 countries in Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and, most recently, in Africa. A range of publications to support WISE+ training have been developed, in multiple languages, to adapting the methodology for specific countries, audiences and sectors. These adaptations include the highly successful WIND programme, for the agricultural sector.

WISE+ is not a traditional skills training. The approach is highly participatory and promotes the adoption of local solutions for local problems. At the end of the training, participants build personalized action plans through the use of the WISE (and now WISE+) Checklists. They are then supported to carry out and maintain planned improvements by volunteers/trainers and through the creation of a local WISE networks.

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WISE+ full training package (Action Manual and Trainers' Guide)

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