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ILO: Safety and health in the use of chemicals at work - A training manual (1993)


This training manual addresses all aspects of dealing with chemicals including production, storage, use, transport and disposal. It provides an approach to problems and solutions concerning safety and health in the use of chemicals at work. It is written in straightforward language and assumes a minimum of technical knowledge. The manual also includes the texts of ILO Convention No. 170 and ILO Recommendation No. 177 and a system for classification, identification and labelling of chemicals.

Workers and their representatives will find information that will help them understand how chemicals can affect them and what measures can be taken to afford protection. Information is also provided on preventing fires and explosions. Managers and supervisors will find guidance on preventive activities and the management of a safety programme for the use of chemicals. Government officials and trainers will discover that the manual is in a format that can easily be used as the basis for a one-week training course for managers, supervisors and workers' representatives.

The manual is divided into the following chapters: the health effects of chemicals; fire and explosion hazards; methods of prevention; emergency procedures; and management of safety in the use of chemicals. These five units can be taught as a five-day course or can be presented individually, depending on the needs of the intended audience.

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