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WHO - Chemical mixtures in source water and drinking-water [2017]


The document provides an overview of available tools and practical recommendations to support the assessment and management of risks to human health associated with chemical mixtures in drinking-water and its sources. Information provided includes (i) a summary of human exposure to chemical mixtures in source and drinking-water; (ii) chemical interactions and the role of modes of action; (iii) application of the WHO/IPCS risk assessment framework for chemical mixtures in source water and drinking-water; and (iv) exposure, hazard and risk assessment. A number of case studies illustrate use of the framework.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

Information provided is intended to support decision-makers responsible for the setting of national regulations and standards for drinking-water in support of public health. Information is also intended to support those responsible for direct development and production of drinking-water including drinking-water suppliers and regulators.

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