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FAO : Pesticide Registration Toolkit [2020]


The Toolkit is a decision support system for pesticide registrars in developing countries. It is a web-based registration handbook intended for day-to- day use by those involved in the registration of pesticides. It provides guidance on (i) assessing what data may be required for the evaluation of a specific type of pesticide for a particular use; (ii) how to evaluate the various technical aspects of the pesticide registration application to ensure that only pesticides which are effective but do not pose unacceptable risks to human health and the environment are approved for use; (iii) whether other countries have registered a pesticide, and for what uses; and (iv) monitoring the evaluation process and progress of a pesticide under consideration. In addition, standardised evaluation summary forms can be downloaded to structure and document pesticide evaluations. Links to information on scientific reviews of pesticides, maximum residue limits and pesticide properties are also stated.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

The Toolkit is a decision support system for pesticide registrars in developing countries and will assist registrars in the evaluation and authorization of pesticides. It provides access to guidance and existing data to help evaluate pesticides and chemicals for registration purposes for agricultural and public health use.

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