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UNEP - Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases and Other Unintentional POPs [2013]


The toolkit is designed to support the implementation of comparable release inventories of chemicals subject to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and is the most comprehensive available compilation of emission factors for all relevant PCDD/PCDF sources. Tools available include (i) a simple but comprehensive procedure for identifying sources of PCDD/PCDF; (ii) guidance on gathering basic information on the design, operation and/or expected performance of sources that supports their classification and the assignment of appropriate default emission factors; (iii) default emission factors (iv) guidance on acquiring data and related information to estimate national values for annual activity rates; and (v) a spreadsheet to list all source groups, source categories and their associated classes and emission factors which will automatically calculate annual PCDD/PCDF releases from all source categories in a given country or region where national activity data are entered.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

Information provided is useful to support environmental health decision making regarding exposure to dioxins or dioxin-like substances under the terms of the Stockholm Convention. Regarding emissions of POPs, it enables results comparison, identification of priorities, marking of progress and the following of changes over time at a global, national or regional level.

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