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ILO: A practical guide on best practice to prevent or minimise asbestos risks (2006)


This guide provides information on the identification of asbestos and asbestos products and raises awareness of the presence of asbestos and its health effects. It describes good practice on asbestos removal (e.g. dust suppression, enclosure and protective equipment) and handling asbestos-cement products and waste. Furthermore, the guide encourages the use of protective equipment and clothing.

The purpose of the guide is to provide practical advice on how to eliminate and minimise exposure to airborne asbestos. It is designed for use by:

  • Employers e.g. regarding technical, organisational and personal safety and health protection.
  • Workers e.g. regarding information about protective measures and workers’ training. 
  • Occupational and public health inspectors e.g. regarding key aspects during inspection visits.

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