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WHO - Global air quality guidelines. Particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. [2021]



The guidelines provide a quantitative health-based recommendations for air quality management, expressed as long- or short-term concentrations for a number of key air pollutants. Exceedance of the air quality guideline (AQG) levels is associated with important risks to public health. The guidelines aim to provide (i) evidence-informed recommendations in the form of AQG levels; (ii) interim targets to guide reduction efforts towards the ultimate and timely achievement of the AQG levels for countries that substantially exceed these levels; and (iii) qualitative statements on good practices for the management of certain types of PM.

Why this Tool/Guidance?

Information provided is useful to support environmental health decision making. It provides authorities essential information on air pollution for the establishment of national regulations and standards.

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